I Don’t Remember! – Part I

September 21, 2007 – 6:13 am

RecallThe older I get, the more difficult it is for me to remember things like names. I am pretty good with faces but putting names with them is really difficult for me. I’ve also noticed that It is more difficult for me to remember what I read well enough to excel on a test. Funny things though, I can still recall my telephone number from fifteen years ago and I remember that the M16A2 rifle shoots a 5.56 mm round and weighs 8.79 pounds when loaded with a 30 round magazine.

Why is it that some information seems to stick in our memory while other information is gone almost immediately? My drill sergeant helped motivate me to remember the M16A2 specifications – pain has a way of improving one’s memory. Essentially, you will remember facts if you need or want to remember them. If you have a purpose or a motivation for recalling facts – you will remember them.

If you try to remember facts about some remote African country – you are dead meat. However, you will probably not have a problem recalling the most insignificant detail about the countries on the itinerary for your upcoming European vacation. Why? Because you have a special purpose for remembering the information about the countries that you are planning to visit. Your impending and long awaited vacation provided the motivation that helps you to concentrate harder which makes it easier to remember the information. When you have a purpose or reason to remember information, your attention is focused on the task of learning and remembering what you need to know.

I think we can all agree that being “motivated” to recall information is an important component in the recall process. In the next few articles, we will examine a few techniques for improving your ability to remember the things that you need to remember.

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  1. One Response to “I Don’t Remember! – Part I”

  2. I know exactly what you’re talking about. I leave my clipboard all over the store and forget where it is! I’ll walk in a room and be like ” what did I come in here for?”. My mind is busy somewhere else more important to me obviously.
    I do have a trick that helps me. I always put things in the same place. My keys are in my purse, ALWAYS. My shoes are in the same place, clothes are in the same drawers, etc….so if I’m on auto-pilot or totally sleep deprived, okay, same thing, lol. I know where it is. My mother , on the other hand , NEVER puts ANYTHING in the same place. She loses her keys daily, and her glasses, shoes, purse, etc….I keep telling her, she does not listen, lol.
    I think this is a really important subject, looking forward to reading more. My store was robbed at gunpoint and the clerk could not pick out the guy in a lineup. She said all she saw was, and no, I’m not making this up- ” His AURA”. OMG!

    By Lori on Sep 21, 2007

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