Push Yourself To Get Fit

August 20, 2008 – 5:55 am

hundredpushups.comThe military, fire departments and police departments have something in common. They are all trying to find “a few good men or women” and they are meeting with limited success. It is not an issue of education or intelligence since there a host for well educated applicants. Unfortunately, the applicant pool gets much more shallow when we start examining physical capabilities. This lack of physical fitness is not limited to new applicants. Many veteran officers are not physically equipped to handle the demands of the job. The good news is getting in shape is not that tough and you do not have to hundreds of dollars on a health club membership

You can start by building your strength by simply doing pushups. It really doesn’t matter how many consecutive pushups you can do right now. In fact, if you are ready to get serious about increasing your strength, there is a great website that help you get started. If you follow their six week training program, before long you will be able to “drop and give me 100” consecutive push ups! All it takes is a little dedication and 30 minutes a week to achive this goal!



  1. One Response to “Push Yourself To Get Fit”

  2. Very cool. I know I’m one of those veteran cops who’ve not kept up with the need for fitness. While I’m far from obese, I’m just out of shape. This may be just what I need. Thanks for the info!

    By Ken Pryor on Aug 20, 2008

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