Archive for the ‘Supervision’ Category

Pushing Down Decision Making

Saturday, October 7th, 2006

Some new supervisors think that they must make all of the important decisions because, after all, isn't that what the boss is supposed to do? Well, sort of . . . but experienced supervisors will tell you that it is also very important to push decisions down into the organization. ...

Good Riddance to Bad Bosses

Saturday, July 9th, 2005

Are you a bad boss? Do you bully employees, rely on intimidation to get things done, and "kiss up and kick down"? Or do you work for a bad boss-an egotist who thinks his every thought is golden and can't abide dissent? The work world is full of bad bosses, ...

People Quit People, Not Jobs

Friday, July 8th, 2005

A recent Gallup poll cites the three most common reasons why employees leave their jobs as follows: 1. Lack of faith in the leadership or vision of the company 2. Concern with the way management is treating people 3. Lack of management support in areas such as performance reviews and employee development The single ...