No Sex For Kids But Violence Is OK

August 26, 2007 – 11:12 am

Video Game ViolencePoliticians or public servants? Are our elected officials working for themselves or working for the voters? The answers to these questions depend on the character and values of your representative. However, make no mistake – the degree of enthusiasm with which an elected official pursues an issue is impacted by his perception of public opinion. Of course, there are certain issues that are a pretty safe bet regardless of the area of county you live or the political affiliation of your elected representative. If a representative would like to keep his job, it would be a good idea to appear tough on crime and to jump on any issue that helps safeguard our children. Maybe that is why representative from so many states are willing to line up to introduce legislation to regulate violence in video games.

Even though the courts in nine states have ruled that this type of legislation violates the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the state of New York will probably be the next state to roll the dice on this controversial issue since their State Assembly has already passed a video game bill and the governor has expressed his support of the legislation. Even the “Govenator”, Arnold Schwarzenegger can’t seem to let the issue drop although California’s efforts to regulate the video game industry have been tossed out by the federal courts. Schwarzenegger has indicated that he will appeal the latest decision.

The attorneys representing the State of California argued that, when it comes to minors, states should have the authority to regulate violent video game content in the same manner that it regulated sexually explicit material. Although, it was an interesting argument, the courts refused to apply the legal rules for pornography to violent media. I think I agree with the courts on this one. However, if you don’t, just click on the “Comments” link below and share your views.

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