Playing With Excel Is Fun – Really!

January 24, 2008 – 6:00 am

Pager Now that Bill Gates has retired from Microsoft, it looks like things may be loosening up a bit with the Office crowd. I know you have probably never used the name of any Microsoft product and the word “fun” in the same sentence before but that is all about to change.

Would you believe that someone has actually developed an Excel game? Well they have and its not only fun – it’s addicting! The goal of the game is to use the arrow keys to move the cursor location (marked with the Excel cursor “+” symbol) to the green cell. You have to bounce the cursor off obstacles to move around the spreadsheet. If you make it, you advance to the next level on a new spreadsheet. Trust me – it isn’t as easy as it sounds.

So if your goal is to to eat up your work time and keep your productivity in the average range, this is the game for you. Check it out.


Play Kongregate

  1. 2 Responses to “Playing With Excel Is Fun – Really!”

  2. I have to say that the excel, word, and powerpoint class that I took at Cave Spring HS has helped me as much at my current job as 5 years of engineering at VT. So yea, I think it is fun.

    By Mikeb on Jan 25, 2008

  3. I agree – I said it was addicting!

    By Rich on Jan 25, 2008

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