Getting Started With Fitness – The Basics

February 8, 2008 – 6:00 am

FitnessRecently, we’ve had a few days of really nice weather. In addition, to being a bright spot in a gray winter, it should also serve as a wake up call for those of you who have been using the cold weather as an excuse to hibernate for the past couple of months. It time to start exercising and get back in shape.

For those of you who are a little more seasoned, you have probably noticed that it is getting a lot harder to get back in shape than it used to be. There is an old adage among the gray haired set that says, “It used to be if I took a month off, I could get back in shape in a week. Now if I take week off, it takes me a month to get back in shape.” For most people, part the problem has to do with attitude and motivation. Getting back in shape can be painful – but it doesn’t have to be.

Just so we are all on the sheet of paper, let’s start by defining “exercise.” Wikipedia defines exercise as “bodily activity that develops or maintains physical fitness and overall health.” Exercise can also shape your body and improve your performance in a variety of areas. Part of the problem is that most people have a preconceived idea of what exercise is and that idea may no longer be applicable to your life situation.

Face it, you are no longer in high school so you don’t need to train like you did when you were preparing for the upcoming football season. The first step in your exercise program is to establish your fitness goal. Keep it simple – decide whether you train for a sport, lose weight or simply improve your health. After you determine your exercise goal, write it on a Post-it note and affix it to your refrigerator where you will see it everyday. Your exercise goal will dictate the type of exercise program that you will follow.

If we break exercise down to its most basic level, there are three fundamental types of exercise – flexibility, aerobic and anaerobic. For most of us former jocks, flexibility exercises were an afterthought. When you are young and flexible, flexibility exercises just don’t seem important. However, now that you are beginning to age, you have probably noticed a reduction in your range of motion for both muscles and joints. Regular static stretching each day can help you get that old flexibility back. You may even want to consider enrolling in a Yoga class to learn some proper stretching techniques. Even if your exercise goals are on the more ambitious side, like training for a sporting event, flexibility exercises should be part of your regimen.

The second type of exercise is aerobic activity such as cycling, walking, running, hiking, and swimming. These activities focus on increasing your cardiovascular endurance. I realize that ten years ago you were have been capable running three miles at an eight minute per mile pace but that was then and this is now. Remember, you are in this for the long haul so start off slow. Over training causes a host of problems that can bring your exercise program to screeching halt so keep your target distances reasonable and your pace slow. In fact, it may be a good idea to start off by walking at a brisk pace. If you want to make it a little more challenging, try hiking in the mountains.

The final type of exercise is anaerobic activity such as weight training which is intended to increase muscle strength. Again, it is critical that you start off slow. Don’t try to start by determining your one repetition bench press limit. Instead, try starting off with lower weights and higher repetitions. The quality of the exercises is more important than the quantity, so concentrate on your form.

Remember, the most difficult part of an exercise program is “starting.” If you are still having trouble getting motivated to start a regular program, find a training buddy. It’s always harder to duck out on your workout when you have someone else that is depending on you. The great thing about being an adult is freedom of choice. Lace up the walking shoes, dust off the weight bench or join a health club, it’s your choice but make the choice to start today.

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