Getting Started With Fitness – Daily Motivation

February 9, 2008 – 5:55 am

FitnessAs I mentioned yesterday, the hardest part of getting back in shape is starting. However, even after you have gotten over the hump of starting, there are going to be days that you just don’t feel like hitting the gym (or the road). So how do you stay motivated? Without motivation, your fitness plan is dead in the water and motivation doesn’t just happen – you have to motivate yourself everyday.

You took the first step toward motivating yourself when you decided on your fitness goal or goals. When you don’t feel like working out, remind yourself of your fitness goal. Remember, your daily workouts are your roadmap to achieving the your fitness goal. If that doesn’t do it , think of an upcoming event like a vacation that you want to get in shape for.

In addition to overall fitness, there are other beneficial side effects of a regular exercise program. After you get past the initial aches and pains of starting an exercise program, you’ll find that your daily exercise will leave you feeling energized. Use this as motivator when you’re having trouble getting started.

One of the reasons you feel so fatigued at the end of the day is stress. Exercise relieves stress – leaving you with a relaxed feeling after a workout.

For many busy people, the time they spend in the gym or out on the road running is the only time that they are disconnected from their cell phones and Blackberries. Tell your self that exercise is not something that you “have” to do. Instead think of it as the only time that you have to yourself during the day.

Still not motivated? You know that you are going to feel guilty if you let the day slip by without a workout. Try thinking about how good you will feel when you finish your workout, even if you cut a deal with yourself by doing a less intensive workout.

How about a bribe? The greatest management principle ever developed is “the things that get rewarded are the things that get done!” In other words, if you want people to complete a task, give them a reward. You can use this same technique to motivate yourself. Your reward can be something as simple as taking some “me time” to watch your favorite television show after you finish your workout.

Finally, you can always focus on the long range health benefits of your exercise program to get yourself out the door. However, you have already spent too much time in front of a computer for today so go workout and we’ll discuss the long range benefits exercise tomorrow. See how having a fitness buddy can help keep you on track?

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