Tweak Firefox For Faster Browsing

March 7, 2008 – 5:55 am

FirefoxIf you use the free Firefox browser (like I recommend) and you could use a little speed boost, I have a tip for you. Thanks goes out to Patrick Norton of the Tekzilla podcast on this speed enhancement tweak.

First, open Firefox and type “about:config” (no quotes) in the browser window. Next, type “network.http” in the Filter window.

Next, under Preference Name, double-click on the line of text “network.http.pipelining” to change its value from “false” to “true.” Then, double-click on the line of text “network.http.proxy.pipelining” to change its value from “false” to “true.”

Firefox Tweak
Next, double-click on the line of text “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests.” A window will pop up with a number in it (probably 4) – click in the box and change this number to “30“, then click “OK” to close the window.
Firefox Tweak
Finally, shut down the Firefox program and restart it to see the difference. Try a high graphics website like CNN if you want to really see the speed difference.

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