Jarte – An Alternative To A Bloated Word
October 21, 2008 – 5:55 amHave you ever thought about the number of available features in Word you actually use? For most of us, we type a few letters or memoranda, set up a few tables or use the outline function.
The problem with Microsoft Word or other word processors that are designed for the corporate world is they are too feature rich. In fact, they have so many features you have difficulty when you try to find the features you actually need.
Fortunately, now there is an alternative for those of you who actually just want to “process words.” The Jarte word processor includes only the features that real people are likely to need.
You expect a word processor to be able to handle Word documents, font and paragraph formatting, spell checking, print preview, and more. While Jarte does all this, it is the small details that make it a very user friendly tool for those of us that just want to write. It includes:
- Tabbed document windows for easy access to your open documents
- Larger buttons for the most commonly used functions
- Instant dictionary and thesaurus word lookup (integrates with free WordWeb)
- Spell check and text search tools that do not park themselves on top of the text you are trying to edit
- Single click bookmarking that make bookmarks both useful and usable
- Instant access to the documents and folders you designate as your favorites
- Instant access to the fonts you designate as your favorites
- Use of the mouse scroll wheel button to copy and paste text
It is these little details that make Jarte a lean, mean, writing machine for those of use that do not want to use a feature bloated word processor.