Target Your Job Search With LinkUp

January 23, 2009 – 5:55 am

LinkUpIf you are a job hunter, you have probably checked out the thousands of jobs available on sites like If you have, you have also probably come to the realization that many of the jobs posted there are on the lower end of the economic scale and the competition is a little keen.

However, don’t give up on the internet as a job search resource.  Although, there are numerous specialty job sites popping up but many companies do not list their opening on these job sites. Instead, they only post their openings on their corporate sites.

That’s what makes LinkUp such a valuable tool. Just enter a job title and your ZIP code and LinkUp helps you find job listings on company sites..

However, LinkUp’s best feature is the fact that the listings are all legitimate openings with legitimate companies.  Check it out.


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