Check Out A Free e-Book From Google

September 14, 2009 – 8:33 am

Google BooksAnyone that spends much time on a computer knows that there are tons of places to download movies and videos. But what if you just want to take a break from the assault on your senses and just read a book. You can still turn to your computer to find your reading material. Google raised a few eyebrows a few years back when they started digitizing books for its site but they persisted and now they have a wide variety of books available.

Of course, even Google has to obey copyright laws so you only get a preview of the books that are still under copyright. They do tell you where you can purchase a copy of the book if you like what you see.

Google has over one million public domain titles available that are in the public domain which means the full book is available at no cost.

You can download the public domain titles in PDF or EPUB format. This means you can read them on your computer, phone and many e-books.

Check out a book from Google

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