Get A Handle On PDF Docs

May 16, 2011 – 9:43 am

CrocodocI use PDF files almost every time I send out files. I love using PDF files because they can be secured, they are small so they send well via email and they can be opened on any computer. They also retain the original document’s text, fonts and images.

Unfortunately, a PDF document’s strong point – security – is also its weak point. They are great for sharing finished products but they are not so good for collaboration since you need special software to make changes to the document. In addition, filling out a PDF form can prove to be a real challenge.

This is where comes to your rescue. You can add comments and highlight sections of the document. It also makes filling in form information a breeze. After you make your changes to the PDF, you can download the document or shared it using a Web link. Your co-creators can go the site to see your comments and add their own.

The service is free (a in beer) so check it out.


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