Avoiding Cell Phone Messages

September 11, 2011 – 22:10 pm

Voice MailI hate listening to voice mail messages – especially over and over again for friends that I call often. Thankfully there is a way to avoid listening to your buddy’s cute little voice mail message for the 100th time or any other message. Unfortunately, the key to press is different with each company. The are as follows:

* for Verizon

1 for Sprint

# for AT&T

# for T-Mobile

Obviously, the flaw in this technique is you have to know which carrier that person uses.

The solution is to use the “one-star-pound” technique:

First, press 1. If it’s Sprint, you’ll get the beep, and you’re done. If you hear an error recording, go on:

Next, press *. If it’s Verizon, you’ll get the beep. If not:

Finally, push #.  You’ll get the beep for T-Mobile or Cingular.

Got it? Simply try one/star/pound.

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