Burning An ISO Image On A Mac

January 16, 2012 – 11:43 am

ISO ImageISO images are the format of choice for transfering large programs like Linux distribution. Without going into the specifics, you must download the data in an ISO format then burn it to a blank CD-ROM or DVD.

If you are using a Mac, you are in luck since the OSX operating system comes with the built-in Disk Utility. However, the process for burning an ISO image is a little counter intuitive so I though I would post them in this article for future reference. These are the steps for burning an ISO image to disc using a Mac:

  1. Insert a blank disc.
  2. Start Disk Utility.
  3. From the File menu, choose Open Disk Image and select the ISO to be burned.
  4. In the list of volumes, you will now see an item representing the ISO file. Select it.
  5. Click the Burn button and follow the instructions.

If you use a Windows or Linux computer, you are on your one since you will need burning software to burn the ISO image.

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