Website: Download YouTube Videos

May 7, 2007 – 7:44 am

YouTubeXThis is another of those websites that you may not use all the time but it will come in handy when you need it. If you find a YouTube video that you would like to save, now you can with YouTubeX. All you have to do is enter the address for the video and you will get a download link.


  1. 2 Responses to “Website: Download YouTube Videos”

  2. This is a great tool. I went to the site, and tried it. You have to change the extension of all the files you download to an “.flv” file, which is flash player. If you have problems playing a flash player file, then you can go to, and download “FLV Player 1.3.3”. Once you download this you can then launch it and literally drag and drop the .flv video that you have stored into it and it plays fine.

    By Jon on May 7, 2007

  3. Glad you found it useful.

    By Rich Schumaker on May 7, 2007

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