Secure Passwords With KeePad Password Safe

June 20, 2007 – 8:45 am

KeePadAre you tired of trying to keep up with all of your passwords? Wouldn’t it be nice if you only had to remember one password for all your accounts? Now you can do exactly that with this great little free program, KeePass. It will work with either Windows XP and Vista. They also have a portable app that you can load on a thumb drive and take with you.

KePass stores all of your passwords in an encrypted database and you unlock it with a master password. Of course, once you start using a program like this, you are going to become very dependent on it so make sure you keep an up-to-date backup of your database. Your master password is also going to be critical to the security of you data so make it a strong password. Use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols (for example: iLuvPizza2!)

You can actually use KeePass to help you create strong passwords for all of your accounts. So check out this great little free app.



  1. 3 Responses to “Secure Passwords With KeePad Password Safe”

  2. Congratulations on discovering Password Managers! It opens up a whole new world doesn’t it?

    But KeePass isn’t the only program, it’s just the most famous of the download-and-install variety. There are also online services too – free of course.

    Here’s an article comparing online and offline passwords managers.

    I’m the founder of an online password manager so, yes, that article does have a product plug. But the comparison is written to be objective so go ahead and have a look.

    PassPack Founding Partner

    By Tara (PassPack) on Jun 20, 2007

  3. Thanks a lot Tara – I appreciate the additional options and the readers will also.

    By Rich Schumaker on Jun 20, 2007

  4. No problem. Hope it’s useful. Cheers!

    By Tara (PassPack) on Jun 20, 2007

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