Auto Detailing Tip
June 27, 2007 – 7:49 amI inadvertently discovered a small automobile detailing trick yesterday that I thought I would pass along. My son was doing an extensive detailing job on his new car (my old car) and he was having trouble getting the inside of the windshield clean. You may have noticed that this time of year a film tends to accumulates on the inside glass of a car as a result of driving with the windows up all the time. We tried using Windex and paper towels but the windows just weren’t coming completely clean.
As a last resort, I sprayed a heavy coat of Windex on the winshield and then used an old terry wash cloth to wipe it off. It worked like a charm so I used the same technique on the outside windows. I was able to get all of the windows crystal clean with very little effort! Although I don’t plan to start hugging trees or saving whales, I will be recycling my old terry wash cloths to the garage rag bin in the future.